For mainland France, excluding Corsica and DOM TOM, it takes 24/48 working days.
No delivery on weekends and public holidays.
Yes, the price will be automatically without VAT.
Shipping costs will be calculated automatically on the site, after adding your product and indicating your country and postal code.
Be careful to choose, in COUNTRY, your department OVERSEAS (Martinique, Réunion, Guadeloupe, etc.)
Yes, you have 14 days following receipt of the product.
Return charges are not covered, and delivery charges will not be refunded.
You will find more information on our delivery page.
Yes, the price will be automatically without VAT for all countries OUTSIDE the EU
Shipping costs will be calculated automatically on the site, after adding your product and indicating your country and postal code.
All the details of your order will be sent by email automatically.
You will receive a tracking number, and it will suffice to consult the carrier's website.